So I went to Bertolino's Coffee this morning and sat down with a good book and an awesome cup of coffee. I was so tired but couldn't sleep because the jackass next door was using his weed wacker at 7:30 in the freakin' AM. Don't people know that, on a Saturday, they're supposed to sleep in until at least 10:00 am? Or is that just me? Oh, the inhumanity of it all. Anyway....I digress. It was really peaceful to sit in the coffee house, chill on a comfy couch, read my book, and enjoy a nice cup of coffee (with of course a number of different instructions to the barista for that oh so personal blend of yummy goodness). I really think that the whole purpose of a barista is for people who have no decision making capability whatsoever to make 10 decisions in a matter of 30 seconds. It's really quite a sociological wonder. I think they're on to something. Maybe, just maybe the coffee companies of the world are sending an entire population of over-caffeinated, declaratively capable people out into the world.

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