Yeah! It's graduation time! After 9 years I'm finally biting the bullet and committing to something!
Me and her, yeah.... we weren't getting along too well for quite some time. There were communication problems, trust issues, performance issues, and timing problems..... but I finally got all my crap together and decided to do things her way. It should've only taken me 2 years to accomplish such a task, but like most men I was a little trepidatious about such things. I finally learned that things just go better if you let her have it her way. Fortunately, she was patient enough to see it through with me. I'll always have her by my side now. We're never letting go of each other.
The blessed event will take place on Friday, June 16th at 4:00 pm at the Tacoma Dome. I know, I know....You're probably thinking that it's far too extravagant of a place for such an event but we wanted to do it up in style. Anyway, the event is free. No tickets are needed. I know what you're thinking....such an event costs money. Well, I've already paid for everything (with a benefactor here and there when I needed it). So far as planning, I went through one organization first but they weren't cutting it. I had to cut ties and move on to an organization that would deliver what was needed. Back to the details....the only thing you have to pay for is parking. I don't validate parking. The colors are going to be maroon, grey, and white. In lieu of gifts, please send contributions to ..... what in the heck am I saying, of course not in lieu of gifts. We'll be registered at Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. We don't deal in that Diner's Club nonsense.
Anyway, I thought I'd all drop you a note to tell you that I love and appreciate you all for supporting me in all I do. This is one of the most rewarding moments in my life so far and I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for making it come to fruition.
Love, Jake
P.S. Thank you Dad for being there when I needed it, Mom for support in any little way you could, Judith for a realistic viewpoint on any little thing that was bothering me, Josh, Angi, and Geneva for just being there, and my biggest thank you to Jeff and Trisha. I don't know how I would have gotten to this point if it weren't for you. In the last two years, you've given me a stable platform to accomplish my goals. If I'd done it on my own, I don't know where I'd be right now.
Jake_ I will talk to Rach and see if we can come!! What time does it start that day????
love keegs
It's at 4 pm. You'd probably have to leave Abby at 12:30 or 1:00. Thank you so much for thinking of showing up. If you can make it that'd be great! If not, I completely understand. Sorry for the last minute notice.
Way to go guy! Yeah! Graduation! Good job.
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